The Benefits of Walking Using a Pedometer
Thursday 10 October 2019 - in Health & Wellness
As society becomes more sedentary-with more people working in front of computers and busy schedules not allowing for healthy activities-ensuring that you get in enough exercise to maintain a healthy body is growing in importance. Studies done in the last few years not only continue to reveal the types of activities we should engage in, but to which extent we should participate. Which one of these is the simplest, yet most important to our over all health? Walking.
Studies by free your wild website suggest that in order to gain an over all healthy body, not only do we need to eat properly, but we need to take at least 10,000 steps a day-15,000 if you are in the high activity bracket. If you are somebody that is constantly on the move, this may seem easy enough for you. But for others who only walk a few steps from their car into work and sit at a desk all day, these 10,000 steps can be harder to achieve. How far is 10,000 steps? Studies show that the average adult human stride is 2.5 feet. This means that it only takes about 2,000 steps to walk a mile-the average amount of steps a sedentary person achieves in one day. To walk 10,000 steps, the average person must walk near to five miles.
So how do you ensure that you are getting in your 10,000 steps? A pedometer of course. This nifty little gadget easily attaches to your hip, wrist or ankle and accurately counts each step that you take. How does this benefit you?
Purchasing and wearing a pedometer each day for one week will help you discover how many (or few) steps you are averaging a day. You will then be able to get a better picture of how much more activity you need in your life.
Getting in more steps can then become a fun challenge for you with the help of the pedometer as motivation. Add more activity and track how many more steps you take. A good goal is to add 500 steps each day until you reach the target goal of 10,000 steps a day. If you feel like your physical health is not up for this, slow down and take it a few steps at a time. Start by parking further away from the store or walking to work. Taking the steps rather than the elevator or getting up to change the channel instead of using a remote is a good way to start getting in some extra movement. As the amount of steps you get in a day increase, so will your over all physical health. How easy is that?